"When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in Black and white, you photograph their souls!" Photojournalist Ted Grant
Black and white imagery can be absolutely stunning. The striking contrast conveys a depth of emotion that, honestly, is often lost in the color version of the same photo. Color images can add beauty and contour that their black and white counterparts lack. Your project may not be imagery or even include much (or any), but color vs. black and white is an important decision, and it shouldn't just be based on cost. Here are a few things to consider to help you choose which distinguishing elements are right for you.
Black and White Printing
Black and white printing is a popular choice, not only for books, but for planners and journals, as well. The most obvious reason it is chosen is cost—it's an inexpensive and simple printing choice to consider, especially if this is your first print run and you are new to CMYK files. Amazing print-ready files can be created quickly and easily when only using black since there will not be need to color match or assure your files are in the correct conversion.
Black and white printing is also a great option for journals that have repetitive deigns where most if not all the text pages are the exact same artwork. This is mainly for lined or dotted journals that have no revisions to text. Keep in mind that black and white is more accurately described as greyscale, so the ability to add depth and texture remain, and some incredible products can be created in black and white.
Full Color Printing
Full color printing is a more popular option for a number of products and for a number of reasons. Full color projects are often highly visually pleasing and capture the attention of consumers. Of course, with more colors often come a lot more opportunities for creative liberty. Color-dependent brands require more color in their products, but also find a lot more opportunity to bring life and personality to your products that undergird your brand.
Full color printing is also a great option for children’s books and other products, since vivid illustrations are often key for the stories they hold.
If you're ready to create the perfect print product to please your customers and enhance your brand, contact us here, and let's create something great together.